- 1 backpack
- 1 box nilla wafers or graham crackers
- Clorox wipes
- 2 boxes crayons
- 1 box markers
- 2 pkgs glue sticks
- 1 plastic pencil box
- 1 binder
- 2 composition notebooks
- 1 box sandwich ziploc bags
- 2 boxes crayons
- 1 pkg glue sticks
- 2 boxes kleenex
- 1 pencil box
- 1 composition notebook
- 1 pair scissors
- 3 ring binder
- 1 box sandwich ziploc bags 1 box crackers
- 2 boxes kleenex
- 1 composition notebook
- 2 pocket folders
- 1 ½ inch 3 ring binder
- 1 pencil box
- 1 box animal crackers (girls)
- Clorox wipes (boys)
- 1 box crayons
- 1 pkg glue sticks
- 1 box colored pencils
- 1 box markers
- 1 pkg pencils (12 count)
- 2 boxes kleenex
4th - 5th GRADE
- 1 Trapper Keeper
- 1 box crayons
- zipper pouch for pencils
- 3 spiral notebooks
- 1 pkg. college ruled loose leaf paper
- 4 folders with holes
- 1 box Ziploc bags (girls)
- Clorox wipes (boys)
- 2 pkg dry erase markers (4 count)
- 1 box crayons
- 1 pkg glue sticks
- 1 box colored pencils
- 1 box markers
Junior High
Language Art Supplies
- 1 three ring binder (2 inch or 3 inch)
- 1 pencil pouch for binder
- 1 spiral notebook (3 subjects)
- 2 composition notebooks
- 1 pkg highlighters (4 colors)
- 1 pkg 3×5 index cards
- 1 box kleenex
Math and Science
- 2 composition notebooks
- 1 scientific calculator (ex. T1 30X or similar)
- 1 book cover
- 1 binder (1 ½ inch)
- 1 pkg tab dividers (4 tabs)
- 1 pkg highlighters (4 colors)
- 1 pkg scissors
- 1 pkg college ruled loose leaf paper
- 1 box colored pencils and/or markers
- 1 pkg glue sticks