DC Medications Due – March 11, 2016

All medications that students would need to take while on our trip to Washington DC on April 6, 7, and 8, are due by Friday, March 11, 2016.  Prescription medications require a physician’s signature and a parent’s signature.  Over the counter medications only require a parent’s signature.  Please make sure all medications are in their […]

6th Grade Math Competition – Top Three Awards

On Saturday, February 20, OFMS had several 6th grade students compete in the Greater Cleveland Council of Teachers of Mathematics (GCCTM) 6th Grade Problem Solving Tournament. Our teams took the top three awards. Congratulations. Mark Kurz mkurz@ofcs.net www.facebook.com/ofmsbulldogs Twitter: @ofmsbulldogs Instagram: ofmsbulldogs Remind texts https://www.remind.com/join/ofmsnews

WEB Lock In – A Success

We had 258 6th grade students and their 8th grade WEB Leaders stay overnight for our annual WEB Lock In. Thanks to our WEB Coordinators for planning another great event. Thanks to our WEB Leaders for being awesome role models for our 6th graders. Thanks to our 6th graders for being so very well behaved. […]