Category Archives: Uncategorized

OFMS 7th & 8th Grade Volleyball Tryout Information

Volleyball tryouts begin on Monday, August 1.  Athletes must have physical forms and concussion forms completed or already be current and on file for athletes to be eligible to tryout on August 1. Physicals are considered current for 365 days. Further, the 365 days must encompass the full volleyball season, which ends in mid October. […]

Notes of Appreciation from the Family of Christine O’Brien

Julie Hedrick, sister of Christine O’Brien, asked that we share her message of appreciation: “On behalf of the family of Christine O’Brien we would like to thank all the students, teachers, staff, friends, and extended family for all your thoughts, prayers, and support following the sudden and unexpected loss of our loved one. Our family […]

Services for Ms. O’Brien

The family of Ms. O’Brien was overwhelmed with appreciation for all of the support shown by our staff, students and parents who have posted memorials and who attended the candle light vigil last night at OFMS.  The family welcomes all students and parents to come share stories and celebrate Ms. O’Brien’s life this Saturday.  Here […]