Category Archives: News

Builders Club Fund Raiser – No Kid Hungry

OFMS Builders Club is holding a pajama pants and hat fundraiser to support “No Kid Hungry.” Donate $2.00 on Tuesday, May 26, and you get to wear a hat and/or pajama pants during school all day. Donations will be collected during homeroom. Mark Kurz Twitter @ofmsbulldogs Instagram ofmsbulldogs Remind texts

Power of the Pen State Tournament

Awesome day at Power of the Pen! Emily Kasl (7th), Kristen Miller (7th), and Lauren Gumeny (8th) made it to the finals. Ashley Rice (7th) won an honorable mention for poetry. Lauren Gumeny (8th) will be published in next year’s book of winners. Overall, the 7th and 8th grade teams together placed 5th out of […]