Category Archives: News

Fees Collected During Lunch Periods

Fees are being collected during all lunch periods this week: August 31-September 3. Fees are $90.00 per grade level. Fees are payable by check made out to OFMS. Fees may be paid online using a credit card at Mark Kurz Twitter: @ofmsbulldogs Instagram: ofmsbulldogs Remind texts

7th & 8th Grade Parent Nights – September 1 & 3, 2015

Come to parent night and meet your child’s academic teachers. Please join us in the Cafetorium at 7:00 PM as follows: 7th Grade Parent Night: Tuesday, September 1, from 7:00-8:00 PM 8th Grade Parent Night: Thursday, September 3, from 7:00-8:00 PM Click here for OFMS PTA Membership flier. Mark Kurz Twitter: @ofmsbulldogs Instagram: ofmsbulldogs […]