OFMS students will be taking the Winter administration of the MAP diagnostic assessments in reading and mathematics on the following days during our first week back to school: January 6: 7th and 8th grade reading January 7: 7th and 8th grade mathematics January 13: 6th grade reading January 14: 6th grade mathematics MAP assessments are […]
Category Archives: News
OFMS PTA will sponsor our 2nd annual dodgeball tournament, which is scheduled for Jan 23, 2016, from 2:30-5:00 PM at the OFMS main gymnasium. Start putting your team of six together. All middle school boys and girls are invited to play. Click here for informational flier. Click here for rules and team registration form. Registration […]
App: A 6th grade student, Evelyn Smits, was chosen as a Scholastic Kid Reporter for the 2015-2016 year. That means that Scholastic will give her a topic and she will write an article about it, in accord with their “News for Kids by Kids” program. The kid reporters will cover current events, breaking news, entertainment […]
Dear Parents of 8th Grade Students: Click on the link below to grant your 8th grader permission to attend the field trip to The Playhouse Square Center to see a performance of A Christmas Carol on Tuesday, December 15, 2015. Click here to access permission form. We have attached a hard copy of the permission […]
Golden Harmonies singing Christmas Carols at Grand Pacific Junction. Mark Kurz mkurz@ofcs.net Twitter: @ofmsbulldogs Instagram: ofmsbulldogs Remind texts https://www.remind.com/join/ofmsnews
Click here for group picture schedule. Mark Kurz mkurz@ofcs.net Twitter: @ofmsbulldogs Instagram: ofmsbulldogs Remind texts https://www.remind.com/join/ofmsnews
Student Council, Helping Hands, and Builders Club are sponsoring a new toy donation drive in conjunction with the US Marines and Toys For Tots. New toys will be collected in homeroom from Wednesday, December 2 through Friday, December 11. Help out children in need and those who are less fortunate. Mark Kurz mkurz@ofcs.net Twitter: @ofmsbulldogs […]
Click here for #pajamas4NKH pictures from OFMS. We raised $470.00 for a great cause to feed hungry children. Mark Kurz mkurz@ofcs.net Twitter: @ofmsbulldogs Instagram: ofmsbulldogs Remind texts https://www.remind.com/join/ofmsnews
There will be a Naviance Parent Information Session at 5:30 PM on Monday, November 23. The session will be held during high school parent teacher conferences in the high school media center. As part of the district initiative to prepare students for post-secondary education and careers, students in grades 7 through 12 are using Naviance […]
The Middle School PTA is currently running a Schwan’s fundraising campaign. All funds raised will help fund programs such as Rachel’s Challenge, field trips, assemblies, dances and scholarships. Ordering is quick and easy. Click here and enter our campaign ID code (23818) or enter “Olmsted Falls Middle School PTA” when placing an order, or call […]