OFMS is Fox 8’s Cool School of the Week. The camera crew will be at OFMS on Tuesday, September 15, to gather footage for our feature segment. Watch Fox 8 News at 6:30 AM and 4:00 PM on Thursday, September 17, to see our story.
Author Archives: Mark Kurz
The 6th grade WEB BBQ & Varsity Football Tailgate event will be held on Friday, September 11, beginning at 5:30 PM, in the OFMS Cafetorium. The 8th grade WEB Leaders will be hosting the 6th graders. The cost for the 6th graders is $4.00 and is payable at the door when they arrive to OFMS […]
OFMS will recognize Patriot Day on Friday, September 11, by having a moment of silence immediately following the Pledge of Allegiance at 8:30 AM. We are asking students and staff to wear red, white, and blue in recognition of our fallen heroes and first responders who helped others and/or lost their lives in the act […]
Click here for tryout dates. Mark Kurz mkurz@ofcs.net Twitter: @ofmsbulldogs Instagram: ofmsbulldogs Remind texts https://www.remind.com/join/ofmsnews
The magazine sale ends on Wednesday, September 9. All orders are due in homeroom. Mark Kurz mkurz@ofcs.net Twitter: @ofmsbulldogs Instagram: ofmsbulldogs Remind texts https://www.remind.com/join/ofmsnews
The OFMS Paw Print Newspaper Club will hold a meeting at 7:45 AM on Wednesday, September 9, in Miss Rupp’s room. Contact Miss Rupp – krupp@ofcs.net – for questions. Mark Kurz 440-427-6201 mkurz@ofcs.net Twitter: @ofmsbulldogs Instagram: ofmsbulldogs
Helping Hands Club is a great way to become involved and to plan and attend events and activities for students of all types to interact with students with disabilities. The first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 9, at 7:45 AM in room 14, which s Miss Papa’s room. Contact Miss Papa at rpapa@ofcs.net if […]
Builder’s Club is a great way to become involved and to plan and attend events and activities which provide a community service to our school and to our community. The first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 8, at 7:45 AM in room 14, which s Miss Papa’s room. Contact Miss Papa at rpapa@ofcs.net if […]
Click here for announcements. Mark Kurz mkurz@ofcs.net Twitter: @ofmsbulldogs Instagram: ofmsbulldogs Remind texts https://www.remind.com/join/ofmsnews
Come to 8th Grade Parent Night and meet your child’s academic teachers. Please join us in the Cafetorium on Thursday, September 3, from 7:00-8:00 PM Click here for OFMS PTA Membership flier. Mark Kurz mkurz@ofcs.net Twitter: @ofmsbulldogs Instagram: ofmsbulldogs Remind texts https://www.remind.com/join/ofmsnews