UPDATED – January 3, 2021 – Updates are highlighted in italics lettering.
Dear OFMS Parents:
We hope all is well with you and your families, and that everyone is staying healthy.
We are sending this communication as a follow-up to the email sent by Dr. Lloyd on Thursday, December 17, regarding the change in our instructional model. Beginning on Monday, January 11, 2021, OFMS will be switching from our current hybrid format to a full hybrid format. The information below outlines the similarities and differences between the current hybrid model and the full hybrid model.
How are the two models the same?
We will still have Blue Day and Gold Day students.
We will still have Remote with OFCS teachers Gold and Blue Day students.
Students will still attend in-person school two days per week (Blue Day students will attend in-person on Monday and Tuesday, and Gold Day students will attend in-person school on Wednesday and Thursday).
Students are required to attend all of their classes regardless if they are in-person, remote, and on Fridays.
Parents will still need to report their child’s absence if he/she will be missing class due to illnesses, appointments, or other family matters.
How are the two models different?
When students are not experiencing in-person learning, they will be required to join their respective classroom remotely and follow their schedule virtually. For example, when the Blue Group is in-person on Monday and Tuesday, the Gold Group would be required to enter the classroom virtually on Monday and Tuesday as well.
On Wednesday and Thursday when the Gold Group is in-person, the Blue Group would be required to join their respective classroom remotely and follow their schedule virtually.
In the current hybrid model, all students have two days of in-person learning and one day of remote learning, which includes 2 new lessons per week (Monday & Tuesday and Thursday & Friday).
In the full hybrid model, all students will have two days of in-person learning and two days of remote learning, which results in a doubling of learning and will now represent 4 lessons per week (Monday through Thursday).
Rather than Wednesday serving as the off-campus remote day, Friday will serve as the off-campus remote day for all students (Blue, Gold, and Remote C with OFCS teachers).
The Gold Day students will attend in-person school on Wednesday and Thursday.
Remote C with OFCS teachers will now remote in on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Remote C with OFCS teachers will remote in on Friday, as will the Blue and Gold day students.
Students will no longer be assigned 2 days of independent work since they will be attending 2 days of in-person school and 2 days of remoting into their classes. Students may spend Friday finishing assigned work from the week and checking in with their teachers following their period schedule.
What will a typical week look like beginning on January 11, and when there are 5 school days in a week?
Monday & Tuesday – Blue Day students attend in-person learning and all Gold Day students remote into their classes, including all Remote with OFCS teacher students.
Wednesday & Thursday – Gold Day students attend in-person learning and all Blue Day students remote into their classes, including all Remote with OFCS teacher students.
Friday – All students check in for each of their classes following the Full Hybrid Off Campus Friday Schedule (see link below).
What will a typical week look like after January 11, and when there are 4 school days in a week?
4-Day Week – No School on a Monday (January 18-22 & February 15-19, 2021)
Tuesday & Wednesday – Blue Day students attend in-person learning and all Gold Day students remote into their classes, including all Remote with OFCS teacher students.
Thursday & Friday – Gold Day students attend in-person learning and all Blue Day students remote into their classes, including all Remote with OFCS teacher students.
MAP reading and math assessments will be administered during the week of February 8-12, 2021.
The schedule for Friday, February 12 will be our Full Hybrid Off -Campus Friday Schedule – see link below
4-Day Week – No School on a Friday (March 8-12, 2021)
Monday & Tuesday – Blue Day students attend in-person learning and all Gold Day students remote into their classes, including all Remote with OFCS teacher students.
Wednesday & Thursday – Gold Day students attend in-person learning and all Blue Day students remote into their classes, including all Remote with OFCS teacher students.
We will post these adjusted schedules in our weekly parent newsletter one week before the 4-day week.
Families with students who are part of the Moderate-Intensive Special Needs Program will receive communication directly from their child’s teacher. Your child will follow the Monday through Thursday schedule and will do at-home learning remotely on Friday.
We know this is a lot of information, and we realize we are changing our approach. This full hybrid instructional model gives students 4 new learning lessons per week while keeping our ability to maintain 6-foot distancing in our classrooms and in our cafetorium.
REMINDER: All students will be remote the week of Monday, January 4-Friday, January 8, 2021. Here is the Remote 2.0 eLearning Schedule –
OFMS Remote 2.0 eLearning Schedule for January 4-8, 2021.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions at 440-427-6201 or at mkurz@ofcs.net.
Happy Holidays,
Mark Kurz