Bulldog Theatre Company Goals
Promote creative and collaborative thinking, public speaking skills, self-confidence, persistence, kindness, and advocacy.
Educate students in all facets of the theatrical arts, including theatre history, technical theatre, performance methods/styles, etc.
Provide opportunities for our students to work together as a theatre company and explore the option of a career in theatre.
Foster an appreciation for live theatre.
2020-2021 Season (Theme: Giving)
BTC Conservatory (September 21-December 18)
Blue Group (A-K): Mondays and Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00pm on stage.
Gold Group (L-Z): Thursdays and Fridays from 4:00-5:00pm on stage.
Wednesday Virtual Meeting: Blue and Gold from 4:00-5:00pm through Google Meet
Topics include: Elements of Theatre, Improvisation, Monologues, Scene Work, Theatrical Design
Guest Speakers (Wednesdays, through Google Meet)
Claire Arias: Disney Performer (September 30th)
Kari Ringer: Universal Studios Performer (October 7th)
Cesar Villavicencio: NYC Drag Performer (October 21st)
Kaitlin Winslow: Drama Therapist (November 4th)
Caitlin Morris: Actor/Producer (November 11th)
Halloween Party Entertainers (October 17)
8th Graders by audition only (auditions will occur on Conservatory dates TBD)
Grade Showcases (November Release)
Scenes, Monologues, Songs, and Design Work will be filmed, edited and made available to view by grade level.
Holiday Variety Show (December Release)
This will be a student-created work in the style of Vaudeville and USO tours.
These will be filmed, edited, and shared with nursing homes, hospices, and retirement homes through Northeast Ohio
Gathering Blue (April 28-May 1, 2021)
Roles remain the same from last spring.
Auditions only if roles aren’t filled.
Rehearsals run Monday-Friday 3:45-5:00pm (3:45-6:00pm during Tech Week)
Follow us for audition/rehearsal updates, links to important documents, and theatre-related articles and videos.
Twitter (Everything)
Instagram (Behind the Scenes)
Remind (Strictly Information)
Text “@ebartk” to 81010
Google Classroom (Student-only Resources)
Class code: bvsokuh
Website (Archives)
BTC on the Road
Northeast Ohio has plenty of performing arts opportunities for young actors and actresses, but sometimes it can be difficult to keep all of this information organized. If you sign up for the BTC on the Road email list, you can be guaranteed to receive email notifications about all possible performance opportunities for young performers (including auditions, classes, camps, special events, etc.) that come across my desk.
Sign Up – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScF8Nd3QR-Z01Arjrzrpp1xZoZsDZDXYdr_e72qUwlcv2vMIg/viewform
BTC Interest Form – – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdV4Txfa6Oyw5CZIkDM9mPZCq9GKyi21mmnTQPM2LNR1UgYjA/viewform
Please fill this out if your child is interested in participating in the fall BTC Conservatory AND/OR if they are part of the Gathering Blue cast.
Advisor: Mr. Bartkowski
Phone: (440) 427-6299 Email: ebartkowski@ofcs.net
Music Director: Mrs. Acosta
Phone: 440-427-6331 Email: kacosta@ofcs.net
Timing: All year Grade Levels: 6-8
Meeting Times: After school rehearsals and extended dress rehearsals (see show schedules). Weekly schedules are posted on the drama bulletin board.
Membership Requirements: The students must audition and display an interest in dramatic performances. Attendance is also required.
Tryout Information: The tryouts are in September for the fall play in November. The spring play auditions are in February with a performance in May.
Other Information: Student membership is all year long. Students may join at any time.