Julie Hedrick, sister of Christine O’Brien, asked that we share her message of appreciation:
“On behalf of the family of Christine O’Brien we would like to thank all the students, teachers, staff, friends, and extended family for all your thoughts, prayers, and support following the sudden and unexpected loss of our loved one. Our family finds comfort in knowing that Christine was loved by many and the impact on the many lives she touched will never be forgotten.”
Julie Hedrick
Sister of Christine O’Brien
Mary Kassouf, sister of Christine O’Brien asked that we share her message of appreciation:
“When I first heard of this tragedy last week, one could only feel so much shock and pain of losing a dear sister so suddenly. After 1 week, I am beginning to feel better because of you and her. I can see the light again! She is our light and we shall follow that light! I also know what God and Christine would have wanted on behalf of her memory, especially from all her family, friends, students and staff. Yes! To be so involved, spread her compassion, love in her honor and to continue to touch the lives of many, which you have all achieved and I am grateful for all of you. I am so glad to have met everyone in person or have received a nice note of expression from you this week. I want to thank you for your kindness and love. I have taken from this, a beautiful gift of grace and hope others will do this with special love to the heart. I treasure the gift of seeing and feeling of how many wonderful people were part of her circle of life. Learning how one person can touch the soul of others with just a smile, kind word, hug or just take time to talk or listen. She loved her career and her work as well as all of you. The grace received from her with kind, helpful examples will continue to touch our lives everyday and I am grateful for her love and inspiration towards everyone. She has always encouraged me to return to college, move forward, look to the future and always hold up to those gold standards to succeed. She also has helped encourage my children and other family members in education. Thank you for being part of her life every day and let her examples and light shine upon others.”
Mary Kassouf
Sister of Christine O’Brien