Please save the date for August 10, 2015, for Olmsted Falls Middle School Annual Special Education Parent Night.
All parents and guardians of students who have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and who receive special services services are encouraged to attend this parent night from 6:30-7:30 PM, in the OFMS Cafetorium.
The parent night will give you a chance to meet your child’s case manager for the year, schedule your IEP meeting for next year (through the first quarter) and acquire information on the following topics:
- Don Johnston’s SOLO program
- IEP/ETR Process
- Transition services
- MAPS/Compass Learning
- Title I services
- Homework lab/STAR
- Google Classroom
- Helping Hands/Builders Club and other clubs your child can join
- How to fill out required online forms for OFMS
- Career Day
- What parents can do to help their middle school child at home
We look forward to seeing you!
Olmsted Falls Middle School Special Education Teachers
Mark Kurz
Twitter: @ofmsbulldogs
Instagram: ofmsbulldogs
Remind texts