Olmsted Falls Volleyball Junior Netters Program (Fall 2015)
Junior Netters is a volleyball program offered for girls and boys in grades 2-6 (Fall 2015). The goal of this program is to introduce and enhance the skills of students in the game of volleyball and have fun learning. The students are coached by the Olmsted Falls High School volleyball players and coaches.
Cost: Grades 2-4: $40
Time: Grades 2-4: 9:00am-9:45am
Cost: Grades 5-6: $50
Time: Grades 5-6: 9:45am-11:00am
Checks can be made payable to Olmsted Falls Athletic Boosters. All sessions will be held at Olmsted Falls High School.
The schedule is as follows:
Grades 2-4:
Saturday, 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29, 9/12, & 9/19
Grades 5-6:
Saturday, 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29, 9/12, & 9/19
Tuesday, October 8 is Youth Volleyball Night at the O.F.H.S volleyball match vs. Midview. The JV begins at 5:30 p.m., followed immediately by the Varsity. Anyone wearing their Junior Netter t-shirt will be admitted free.
Please fill out this portion with payment by July 15 to:
Kim Urban, Olmsted Falls Athletic Department
26939 Bagley Road
Olmsted Falls, Ohio 44138
Child’s Name ___________________ Grade (Fall ’15) __
T-Shirt Size Youth: S M L XL Adult: S M L XL
Address ____________________ Phone Number _____
Parent e-mail address: __________________
Emergency contact name and number other than parent: ________________
We the undersigned parents, release the officials, directors and school system from any liability in the event of an injury occurring while competing in the Junior Netter developmental volleyball program. We also authorize the staff of the Olmsted Falls Junior Netters to act according to their best judgment in an emergency situation requiring medical attention and waive and release Olmsted Falls Schools from any and all liability for an injury incurred while playing in the program. We have no knowledge of any physical impairment that would be affected by participation in this program. We further consent authorizing emergency medical treatment.
Parent Signature_____________Date_____
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