View a copy of the calendar by clicking here.
Help support the OFMS PTA by purchasing an entry in the annual Calendar Raffle. For $5, you are entered for a chance to win 31 days of fabulous prizes. We pull a different winner every day and a list of winners will be posted on the blog. You may enter as many times as you like, share the raffle with family, friends and co-workers.
Entry forms and cash or a check (made out to MS PTA) can be dropped off at any of the school main offices. Why not take a chance! The contest includes many gift cards to area stores, Monsters tickets and other great prizes.
Entry form must be returned with money to your school office by April 30th in an envelope marked OFMS PTA Calendar Raffle to be eligible. Checks should be made payable to OFMS PTA. Thanks for your support!
Mark Kurz
Twitter @ofmsbulldogs
Instagram ofmsbulldogs