Hellping Hands movie nightHelping Hands is offering a free Movie and Game Night from 6-8:30 p.m. Friday, April 10th at Olmsted Falls High School.
R.S.V.P. by Wednesday, April 8th to mkrakowiak@ofcs.net.
If you cannot attend, please check out HH blog for future events by clicking here.
Helping Hands is a disability awareness program hat helps people of al ages learn attitudes of acceptance, dignity and respect toward all, especially those with disabilities. The program will help you and your child discover new friends.
Move and Game Night is a “sensory friendly” experience. The sound is controlled and the lights will be dim (not off). Short films will play so students can feel comfortable changing scenery from auditorium to cafeteria as needed. Everyone is welcome. Games will be played in the cafeteria. Feel free to bring your favorite game to share. Helping Hands will provide pizza, snacks and water.
For informational flier click here.
Mark Kurz
Twitter @ofmsbulldogs
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