Dear 8th Grade Parents,
Since the District is closed due to inclement weather, we are sorry to inform you that we will need to cancel our 9th grade Orientation presentation this Thursday, Feb. 19th.
Since scheduling our 8th graders begins Monday, March 2nd, and it is not possible to reschedule such a large event due to the logistics and scheduling timeline, we’ve worked to create an alternate plan.
Please be assured that our first goal is to provide you with resources and support to assist our students during this important phase and ensure a smooth and positive transition to high school.
We will place the Orientation presentation on the Counselors’ Corner website along with all of the handouts, including our Program of Studies, PE waiver forms, summer school registration and Athletics/Activities lists.
I will also provide late afternoon and evening hours next week so that those of you who have specific questions about your student can have those answered in person.
Upcoming scheduling timeline:
Monday 2/23: Orientation video on the Counselors’ Corner Website providing an overview of scheduling, grad requirements, HS programming, Career Pathways and contact info.
Tuesday 2/24: Open/walk-in discussions in the HS media center. 4-7pm
Wednesday 2/25: Open/walk-in discussions in the HS media center. 4-7pm.
Thursday 2/26: Open/walk-in discussions in the HS media center. 3:30-5pm.
Week of March 2: Scheduling at the middle school. High School Counselors will schedule with the 8th graders to help them select their high school choices.
Please write any notes/questions for the counselors on the student scheduling sheets sent home and we will check them while we help your students schedule.
August 14, from 9-11am: Open House/Orientation for all incoming Freshmen! 9th graders can pick-up schedules, tour building, set-up lockers.
FRESHMEN ONLY! Building is open for incoming 9th graders to have the high school all to themselves. Counselors will be available.
I sincerely thank you for your flexibility and I look forward to working with all of you to support our students during this important time in their lives.
Ms. Lauren Peterson
School Counselor
Olmsted Falls High School
Mark Kurz