The Olmsted Falls Board of Education at its December meeting recognized three physical education teachers from Olmsted Falls Middle School who received the Ohio Gold Award at the Bronze Level. It is one of only seven such awards granted across the state, which the Ohio Association of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Teachers bestows.
Congratulations to teachers Steve Hunter, Brigid Radigan and Laura Sheldon on this prestigious award!
MSPE presentation.
Pictured from left are Jim Weisbarth, board president; OFMS physical education teachers Steve Hunter, Brigid Radigan, and Laura Sheldon, and OFMS assistant principal Krista Kotecki.
These innovative teachers received the honor during the association’s conference held December 4th at Kalahari, where they also made a presentation of their best practices. Their topic was “A Winter Olympic Unit in Physical Education Class: Assessing the Standards & Cross Curricular integration. Congratulations again to these outstanding Bulldog teachers.
Mark Kurz