Helping Hands is a club that is sponsored by Mrs. Krakowiak, who is an art teacher at the high school. The purpose of this club is to get students with disabilities at OFCS to participate in community activities with typical peers.
For more information about Helping Hands please go to the Edmodo site and use this code: 7udct3 or the Google Classroom Code: 6xfrp2. There are paper copies of upcoming events attached to Miss Papa’s classroom door – room 14.
Advisor: Miss Papa
Phone: (440) 427-6228 Email:
Advisor: Mrs. Hyppa
Phone: (440) 427-6228 Email:
Timing: September-May Grade Levels: 6-8
Meeting Times: Monthly meetings on Friday after school from 3:30-4:00 PM. The club will hold 1 fundraiser and 1 event (celebration) per month. The meetings are run by high school students. The meetings are after school and events/fundraisers are usually on weekends