Community Service Project
The OFMS LEAD Organization is co-sponsoring this community service project –
Lip Smacker Drive: It’s For A Good Cause!
Cause: Ava & Kylie from Troop 70615 are working towards their Silver Award and have decided to help the UH Children’s Hospital. When kids undergo surgery the staff let them decorate a mask and pick out Lip Smackers. The Surgical Staff coats the Surgical Mask Rim in the Lip Smackers so that during surgery the children don’t smell the anesthesia.
Why: It helps the children that will undergo surgery
Our Goal: To make our project sustainable for a couple of years. Our goal is to get 20,000 Lip Smackers donated for the UH Children’s Hospital.
****Please note that the hospital will ONLY accept the LIP SMACKERS brand.****
Donations can be dropped off in the box on the table in front of the office with all the informational papers
The Drive is running from May 12th thru May 27th