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in Apple Developer Account


Apple has updated their guidelines for new and existing apps in their App Store. In the past, Apple Developers, like us, were allowed to publish our clients’ apps on our developer account. Now, Apple requires that every app on the App Store to be published by the business or organization behind the app, or the owner of the content and intellectual property.
The two most popular theories are:

  1. For the money. Apple developer accounts are not free, although affordable; including taxes the cost roughly $105 per year. With roughly 2 million apps in the app store, that adds up to 200 million a year in revenue. Not bad.
  2. Fallout from the  2016 election, Facebook, fake news, and election tampering. Apple is trying to prevent fake apps with false information.
New apps will not be approved unless they are published on your developer account. If you have an existing app on our account, your app has to be transferred to your developer account. Otherwise, Apple will not let us submit code updates to the app. We submit code updates about 1-2 per year to Apple. Code updates keep your app working with the latest Apple iOS (operatiing system) and fix various bugs. In short, if we can’t update your app, it will eventually not work.
This is great news. We just need you to invite us as a user on the acocunt. Please see these instructions.
Step 1: We will create a unique Apple ID on your behalf, using a email address.

Step 2: The Apple ID will need to be activated and verified. We will walk you through the process. See these instructions for details.

Step 3: We will find your organizations Duns number, and apply for an Apple Developer Account.

Step 4: If the Duns Number is unverified, we will request duns to Verify the Duns number. Duns will call your organization to verify their information.

Step 5: Once the application is submitted to Apple with a verified Duns number, Apple will call to verify the information on the account.

Step 6: When the Developer Account is approved, Apple will send an activation email.

Step 7: We will activate the developer account and transfer your app from our account to your new Apple Developer Account.

No Google is not requiring any changes at this time.